First Home in Pittsburgh

That night [first night in Pittsburgh] they stayed at Mr. Hedrick’s home and the next day Father found a three-roomed house and a job.  Mrs. Hedirck, Mrs. Carroll and Mother went out to purchase household goods.  Mr. Hedrick secured the job for Father hauling coal for Mr. Port, who had a coal mine.  He hauled with four horses to the Ihmsen Glass Company.

That first home which Mother and Father had in America was the birthplace of the twins Conrad and Philip, May 1, 1843.  I think it was in October, 1846, that our little brother John came to join our family, and that completed the Smith family – Father, Mother, Henry, Conrad, Philip and John; but how we did wish for a sister.

~ Conrad Smith1)My Early Life and The Civil War, Conrad Smith, 1920, pages 8-9


1 My Early Life and The Civil War, Conrad Smith, 1920, pages 8-9

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